
VOICES / A FORUM FOR COMMUNITY ISSUES : Essay : 20 Commandments for the New School Year

Kenneth A. Pinkham lives in San Juan Capistrano

Instead of posting the 10 Commandments in schools, how about the following 20? Ten are for the students and ten for the schools. They wouldn’t be a panacea but might help.

From the school to the students:

1. Come here to learn.

2. Come unarmed.

3. Show respect for your teachers, administrators and fellow students, even when you don’t agree with them.

4. Value diversity, relate to all your peers and learn from those who are different.

5. Offer a helping hand, rather than a put down, when some fellow student is having difficulty with a subject or an activity.


6. Don’t be disruptive, others may be trying to learn.

7. Settle disagreements with reason not confrontation.

8. Do not use drugs or alcohol. Urge other to do the same. Don’t let the code of silence permit felons to continue their illegal activities in your school.

9. Complete assignments on time and come to class prepared.

10. Do not expect special treatment because of sports of other extracurricular activities.

From the students to the schools:

1. Provide the best possible education.

2. Treat us all equally.

3. Provide a secure, safe learning environment.

4. Do not support a hierarchical pecking order.

5. Teach objectively, present all reasonable points of view but do not advocate any specific religious or political position.

6. Grant anonymity to students who report criminal behavior.

7. Help those students who have difficulty.

8. Listen to students.

9. Don’t make a lot of stupid rules. Treat students like the young adults they are unless they prove they don’t deserve it.


10. Communicate with parents when we things are right, not just when things go wrong.
