
ORANGE COUNTY FILE : Online Preparation for Mass Readings

Catholics can prepare themselves for upcoming Scripture readings at Mass by logging onto a new Web site produced by Corpus Christi Church in Aliso Viejo.

The site features a weekly commentary edited by Phil Johnston, a lecturer at the Catechetical Institute of the Diocese of Orange. Father Christian Mondor, who wrote a weekly study series for the Diocese of Montreal, and Father Fred Bailey, pastor of Corpus Christi, review the commentaries before they appear online.

“The purpose behind the study is to give Catholics, and other Christians who follow the same lectionary as Catholics, a chance to learn more about the three main readings heard in Mass each week than they possibly can from the homilies,” said Jerry Nash, who compiles the commentaries.


Nash said the Web site started in June and has an objective that goes beyond education: to provoke discussion about the Bible. Nash said various ministries and small faith communities are using the commentaries as discussion starters for their own groups and that several parishes have linked their Web sites to Corpus Christi’s.

The Web site is at
