
Around the Yard

Things to do this week:

* Plant bearded iris. Late summer and early fall are not only the best time to divide and transplant bearded iris, it is also prime planting time. Remember--as odd as it may seem--not to bury the sweet potato-like rhizomes. Make sure the roots are covered with soil but leave the very tops exposed to the sun.

* Plant fall-flowering bulbs. Though they may flower for a second year, few saffron crocus corms will flower beyond that, so many gardeners plant new ones every fall. The lovely lavender flowers bloom later in autumn and the bright orange stigmas inside are the precious spice saffron. Pick and let them dry before using (they practically pay for the bulbs). Several other fall-planted bulbs will reliably bloom each autumn, including the surprisingly delicate-looking Crocus goulimyi and several other autumn crocus. Colchicums also bloom in autumn, even sitting on the kitchen table! Snails may make life in the garden hazardous for this fat corm. Nerines are another lovely fall-bloomer, but bulbs are usually available only in spring.

* Prepare for big projects. If you’re planning on any big planting projects this fall (it is the best season to plant perennials, shrubs, trees and all natives), make sure Bermuda and other weedy grasses are dead before doing anything else. Roundup is the favored herbicide and works best in hot weather on actively growing grasses, killing roots and all. Follow directions carefully.
