
School ‘Billing’ and Trustee Recall

* Re “Recall Drive Targets Anaheim Trustees” (Aug. 21):

I am not sure which side is more ridiculous in the Anaheim Union High School District controversy.

Trustee Harald Martin claims that the demand for payments from the immigrants’ home governments is not about race, it’s about money.

If that’s true, then shouldn’t he demand payments from the state of New York or the city of Santa Ana if a child from those places moves to Anaheim and enters the school system?


And those who are opposing Martin’s proposal can’t seem to articulate an argument based on facts.

One was quoted as saying he didn’t mind paying for the education of the children of illegal immigrants, thus completely swallowing Martin’s repeated lie that illegal immigrants don’t pay taxes.

Do illegals get some kind of discount card that allows them to not pay sales taxes when they shop at Target? Can an illegal get the 36.4 cents of state and federal taxes knocked off the price of a gallon of gas down at Arco?


Regarding payroll taxes, do illegals who work under phony Social Security numbers get a refund for all the money deducted from the checks for FICA, Medicare, state disability, etc., since they cannot receive the benefits of those programs? Or do their contributions fatten the pot for us patriotic Americans?

And--since property taxes finance schools--is it true that the landlords who rent to illegal aliens are exempt from paying property taxes out of the rents collected from those illegals?

All of these things must be true, because everyone knows that illegals don’t pay taxes. Just ask the Anaheim school board.


If only the opponents of Martin’s idiocy could enunciate “the truth” that Martin claims to seek, rather than simply calling him a divisive racist.



* Why are Times columnist Agustin Gurza and Hispanic leaders so afraid of Anaheim Union High School board member Harald Martin and the board’s proposal to seek reimbursement from foreign governments for the cost of educating illegal immigrants?

They know all too well what the outcome will be. The public will be outraged to know that thousands of illegal immigrants are attending school in the district.

The quality of education that our children are receiving is disastrous. Classrooms are impacted and learning is slowed as teachers struggle to assist illegal immigrants who do not speak English.



* What on Earth is Harald Martin talking about when referring to his opponents as influenced by “communism and socialism” (Aug. 21)?

Having been taught by Franciscans who fled Germany in the 1930s, I’m thoroughly acquainted with Hitler’s right-wing socialism and ideas derived from Nietzsche, which fit far better the mentality of Martin’s blitzkrieg.




* Finally, the Anaheim Union High School board has come up with a good idea on illegal immigration and the cost to the American taxpayer.

It is a good plan to bill the country of origin for schooling their citizens in the United States. These foreign governments should be eager to comply.

The students get a quality education and are allowed to stay in the United States. The countries of origin lose another mouth to feed and educate.

I did not notice, however, the president of Mexico offering to pay the cost of his illegal aliens in this country when he used his influence to counter the proposition passed by California voters.

With all the oil revenue that Mexico gets, why not?



* Anaheim taxpayers should urge the illegal Mexican population to form their own schools at their own expense, so legal Anaheim children will have a greater chance at a better education.


