
Adventure Pass Program

* Re “A Small Price for the Welfare of the Forest,” Ventura County Perspective, Aug. 22.

I found this article to be offensive and a perfect example of classism at its worst. Thomas Higgins writes that “destroyers of tranquillity and beauty abound” and that they “sometimes make impromptu forays to the forest to tag, litter . . . .” He goes on to say, “The hassle of having to get an Adventure Pass no doubt deters many of these opportunistic raiders.”

Is he saying that those who cannot afford the pass are the ones who are making [the forest] a mess, and that is why he “displays his Adventure Pass with pride”? I guess to him it’s something like having your country club sticker displayed on your car window. What about those who earn minimum wage and have to work nearly six hours to buy a $30 annual pass?

Where does Mr. Higgins get off claiming to know why we socially concerned citizens oppose the Adventure Pass? I take offense at him saying we are opposed because we were asked to reach for our wallets and that our “avowed interest in the financial security of the forest will evaporate the moment the Adventure Pass is abolished.”


Hardly! It’s a matter of principle. We already pay taxes for the forests, and the fact that the money is not being given to the Forest Service is not justification to add another fee to solve the problem.

At a recent public meeting in Ojai, Jeanine Derby, supervisor for the Los Padres National Forest, said the Forest Service could not guarantee that the Adventure Pass fee would not increase or that the money would continue to go back to the forest once the “demonstration” phase is over.

The way I see it, if the Adventure Pass becomes a reality, the same people who cut the support in the first place will cut it even more until most, if not all, of the money comes from the Adventure Pass. Then who will be able to afford access to our forests? It’s kind of like the sales job made to Californians about the lottery for our schools.



