
Health Care and Public Expectations

As a physician for over 40 years, most of which were with a very large group that I found to be outstanding, I found Dr. David Lawrence’s comments in “Kaiser CEO Injects Medical Safety Into Health-Care Debate” [July 15] to be highly inflammatory and very divisive. Apparently Dr. Lawrence feels only medical groups will be admitted to “doctor heaven”--nonsense! Quality of care has always depended and will always depend on the individual physician’s competence and ethics--regardless of method of practice. We have outstanding men and women in medicine in all types of settings!

Dr. Lawrence further fails to state the role (blame) the insurance industry plays with its over-promising, underfunding and excessive administrative costs. Also, the role (blame) patients and purchasers have in demanding a Rolls-Royce car for the price of a small car. I would suggest to Dr. Lawrence there is a direct connection between the outrageous practices by our insurance industry and government insurers. I suggest it has a direct relationship on quality care.

The problem is critical and the cause complex. Unless we stop the finger-pointing and holier-than-thou attitude and truly begin a group effort toward problem solving, we will self-destruct in the private sector.


The problem to be discussed is not mode of practice, but rather what does our society want health insurance to pay for and still be affordable? A Rolls-Royce is not the answer, but rather the old Ford concept of the Model T--affordable and gets the job done.


