
Parking Fee at Ventura Harbor

The Ventura Port District, which has been desperately trying to come up with ways to draw more visitors to Ventura Harbor, has recently implemented fees for parking at the harbor parking lots. This move would seem to counter its efforts to increase visitation.

This area has been one of the few areas in the city where people can spend some time at the beach without incurring any expense. With Channel Islands Harbor offering a similar experience just a few miles away without the parking fees, why would visitors come to Ventura Harbor?

The new parking fees are sure to cause a decrease in the number of people who visit and support the harbor, causing a decrease in overall revenue to area businesses. We should not spend money to develop tourism and then create a parking system that discourages it.


Please write to the Ventura Port District and ask them to end this misguided fiasco.


Westlake Village
