
Plan for Lang Ranch Dam

Try to imagine the wildly popular wall that bears the Thousand Oaks copper curtain replicated, and then plunked into a precious ancient oak grove. This is exactly, for appearance and size, the Lang Ranch Dam in the video simulation presented to the Thousand Oaks City Council. What a gift for the new millennium!

Even crazier than what this project debut presented is what it left out. The entire debris basin on the east side of Westlake Boulevard, for one thing. That is the concrete pit--600 or nearly 1,000 feet long, depending on which document you believe--that hapless homeowners will get in their backyards. Where was the video of this?

Where was the video of how the oak grove will look after a few years of wallowing it out behind structures built to hold more than 100 million gallons of water and debris? All the experts testified that the trees will die, one and all. Why does this video show their foliage covering up the Civic Arts Plaza dimensions of the dam?



Thousand Oaks
