
Fish Report


CASTAIC LAKE--The first trout plant in months--in both reservoirs--has given trout fishermen reason to come and striped bass fishermen hopes of fooling large stripers with trout-like lures. Largemouth bass fishermen are catching small fish with plastics, crankbaits and crawdads.

PYRAMID LAKE--This reservoir got its first trout plant in months and it has made the striped bass even more lively. The fish are averaging two-six pounds but a few are closer to 10. Largemouth and smallmouth bass, and catfish are somewhat active.

LAKE PIRU--Northeast winds kept pressure down, but small bass have been biting on dark plastics and crankbaits. Trout are being caught mostly by trollers using Needlefish and rainbow Rapalas.


LAKE CASITAS--Enos Choyce, Pasadena, seven catfish totaling 98 pounds one day, four totaling 52 the next. Trout and bass have developed lockjaw.

LAKE CACHUMA--Red-ear perch are providing the most action, biting on pieces of night crawlers in Cachuma Bay and the east end. Trout were planted Tuesday, but the heat has killed their appetite.

JESS RANCH LAKES--Trout are biting best at the Lake 2 spillway and Lake 3 west shore, but don’t count on scoring a limit. A 4-pound 1-ounce trout was caught on rainbow Power Bait at Lake 3. Some catfish.


IRVINE LAKE--Big catfish are stirring, but anglers eagerly await Thursday’s trout opener. New this year is a trophy trout club enabling those catching fish 12 pounds or heavier eligible for a season-ending tournament.

CORONA LAKE--Until Thursday’s trout opener it’s strictly catfish.

ANAHEIM LAKE--Catfish are stocked on Tuesdays and Fridays.

SANTA ANA RIVER LAKES--Open Nov. 4 brimming with rainbow trout.

LAGUNA NIGUEL LAKE--Trout season is a month away. Meanwhile, night-fishing for catfish is pretty good. A 17-pounder was caught on mackerel.

OSO RESERVOIR--A 28-pound catfish was caught on Berkley Power Chow, highlighting a fair bite. Bass fishermen are doing OK. Try dark plastics and jigs. The trick is finding the shad, because that’s where the bass are too.


LAKE PERRIS--Mostly small bluegills and bass. The lake is on the DFG trout-stocking list this week, but hot weather may delay those plans. Best to call ahead.

BIG BEAR LAKE--Crowds are down and boathouses are starting to close, but you can still rent one and fill your stringer with pan-sized rainbows. Try Power Bait, or trolling Needlefish or Rapalas.

GREEN VALLEY LAKE--Trout fishing is slow to fair, but some of the big ones are hungry. An 8-8 fish was caught by Andy Dulosa, Yorba Linda, on salmon eggs. Another 4-9 was caught on a gold Kastmaster.

SAN DIEGO CITY LAKES--San Vicente yielded a 24-pound blue catfish and several much smaller channel cats, but bass fishing is the attraction there and at El Capitan and Hodges. No fish weighed in at 10 pounds or more.

LAKE CUYAMACA--They keep stocking trout, but the fish promptly go into hiding. When they do decide to feed, it ought to be a bonanza.

EASTERN SIERRA--A few hot spots as the season nears an end: The inlet at Convict Lake; Lake Mary (big fish biting on night crawlers and grey-hackle peacock flies); Silver Lake (five-plus-pounders are biting on night crawlers and salmon eggs); Rush Creek (an eight-pounder was fooled with salmon eggs); Virginia Lakes (wide open bite by good-sized trout); West Walker River (better action than East Walker, even if the fish are smaller, and the dry-fly bite is lots of fun).



The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--49 anglers (3 boats): 215 albacore, 4 lingcod, 80 red rockcod, 70 rockcod, 120 rockfish.

SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--8 anglers (1 boat): 14 calico bass, 3 sand bass, 2 sole, 1 cabezon, 4 mackerel, 28 red snapper, 50 rockfish.

OXNARD (Cisco’s)--46 anglers (4 boats): 8 yellowtail, 7 white seabass, 82 whitefish, 3 sheephead, 15 sculpin, 35 rockfish, 3 red snapper, 50 calico bass, 4 bonito. (Captain Hook’s/Gold Coast)--15 anglers (1 boat): 6 calico bass, 6 rockfish, 2 sculpin, 12 sheephead, 4 blue perch, 150 whitefish.

PORT HUENEME--40 anglers (2 boats): 17 white seabass, 1 yellowtail, 2 bonito, 9 halibut, 2 shallow water rockfish, 2 sculpin.

MARINA DEL REY--54 anglers (4 boats): 1 yellowtail, 32 red snapper, 70 red rockcod, 193 sculpin, 23 sand bass, 3 halibut, 22 whitefish, 6 salmon grouper.


REDONDO BEACH--29 anglers (3 boats): 3 halibut, 11 sand bass, 155 sculpin, 23 whitefish, 6 bocaccio, 134 rockfish.

SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--43 anglers (3 boats): 25 yellowtail, 79 calico bass, 34 whitefish, 15 rockfish, 7 barracuda, 6 blue perch, 12 sculpin, 4 sheephead, 1 sand bass, 1 salmon grouper. (22nd St. Landing)--47 anglers (3 boats): 40 yellowtail, 84 calico bass, 740 sand dab, 1 cabezon, 5 sculpin, 7 whitefish, 59 sheephead, 34 blue perch, 123 rockfish, 33 red snapper, 39 salmon grouper, 1 lingcod (released).

LONG BEACH (Sportfishing/Berth 55)--27 anglers (2 boats): 53 calico bass, 1 sand bass, 253 rockfish, 10 whitefish, 18 lingcod. (Marina Sportfishing)--33 anglers (2 boats): 12 calico bass, 104 rockfish, 23 whitefish, 8 sculpin, 42 sheephead, 140 blue perch, 38 Spanish mackerel, 10 opaleye. (Pierpoint Landing)--19 anglers (1 boat): 27 calico bass, 2 sand bass, 13 whitefish, 12 sculpin, 6 sheephead.

SEAL BEACH (Big Fish)--10 anglers (1 boat): 150 rockfish.

NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--10 anglers (1 boat): 55 sculpin, 12 rockfish, 3 red snapper. (Davey’s Locker)--62 anglers (5 boats): 31 yellowtail, 1 white seabass, 81 barracuda, 75 calico bass, 45 sculpin, 14 sheephead, 56 rockfish, 10 blue perch, 2 whitefish, 40 mackerel.

DANA WHARF--48 anglers (3 boats): 20 calico bass, 2 sand bass, 19 mackerel, 9 dorado, 2 white seabass, 1 striped marlin.

OCEANSIDE (Helgren’s)--31 anglers (3 boats): 11 dorado, 4 calico bass, 3 sand bass, 9 sculpin, 15 rockfish.


SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--30 anglers (1 boat): 17 albacore, 1 bluefin tuna, 3 dorado. (Seaforth)--98 anglers (5 boats): 25 albacore, 1 bluefin tuna, 18 dorado, 1 skipjack, 28 yellowtail, 27 calico bass, 47 rockfish, 55 sculpin, 50 mackerel. (Islandia)--52 anglers (3 boats): 12 mackerel, 26 rockfish, 6 sculpin, 18 whitefish, 93 rockcod, 39 albacore, 1 bluefin tuna, 9 dorado, 6 skipjack.


LOS ANGELES COUNTY--Lake Castaic, Castaic Lagoon, Elizabeth Lake, Pyramid Lake, San Gabriel River (East, West and North forks). RIVERSIDE--Lake Hemet, Lake Perris. SAN BERNARDINO--Mojave Narrows Park Lake. VENTURA--Casitas Lake, Lake Piru. SANTA BARBARA--Cachuma Lake. SAN LUIS OBISPO--Atascadero Lake, Santa Margarita Lake.


LOS ANGELES COUNTY--Alondra Park Lake, Belvedere Park Lake, Cerritos Park Lake, Downey Wilderness Park Lake, Echo Park Lake, El Dorado Park Lake, Hansen Dam Lake, Hollenbeck Park Lake, La Mirada Park Lake, Legg Lake, Lincoln Park Lake, Magic Johnson Park Lake, Peck Road Park Lake, Puddingstone Reservoir, Santa Fe Reservoir. RIVERSIDE--Evans Lake, Rancho Jurupa Park Lake. SAN BERNARDINO--Seccombe Lake.


--Compiled by PETE THOMAS
