
Jesse Helms

The Oct. 19 editorial outlining the antics of Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) is right on target. It may be that in his years of service in the Senate Helms has accomplished some worthwhile legislative deeds. He will, however, go down in history as an obstructionist who trod the narrow path of bigotry and xenophobia.

We must never forget that the senator has served a prime purpose he never intended and is most valuable because of it. His presence is a constant reminder of the sad times so many American citizens endured, and we must never return to that dark era. Helms speaks often of God and God’s relevance in today’s life. One would almost think the beautiful state of North Carolina is now awash in a flood of tears.


Los Angeles


No adult is mature at all times. So Helms was immature in his actions. This doesn’t necessarily mean it was racist; it quite possibly was a personal dislike.


As for Clinton’s nomination of former Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun as ambassador to New Zealand, it was a slap in the face for the people of Illinois, in particular, who saw her for the person she was and refused to return her to the Senate. Why should President Clinton want to have someone represent our country who has questionable ethics? Maybe I just answered my own question.


Apple Valley


It appears that no matter what the right thing to do is, Helms is against it. Our real concern should be for the people who continually reelect Helms. It is time for all insensitive, mean and vindictive individuals be thrown out of politics and, by so doing, to allow dignity and compassion to return. A country so great as ours deserves no less.


Laguna Woods


Re “Gingrich Is an Easy--and Wrong--Target,” Column Right, Oct. 19: I read this commentary with great interest. Newt Gingrich is only a symptom of what is wrong within the Republican Party. The quotes from Gov. George W. Bush in the article can and do apply to the party today minus their fearless leader of the House.


I believe the bottom line for the Republican Party is the fact that it needs a great PR man or woman, and the party needs to back the person. All you have to do is observe the actions of the party faithful, like Sens. Helms and Trent Lott, and it is clear that the party does not give a damn about people. Bush has stepped into the ring with some connection to the people of this country and the Southern brass cannot stand it. However, the people of this country love it.

The Republican Congress does nothing. Oh, excuse me; they impeach the president and vote down the treaty to stop nuclear testing. Lord Helms, our savior, prevents ambassadors from being confirmed. Finally, Republican senators refuse to do their job by either confirming or denying judicial appointments. Boy, what a government!

Whatever happened to President George Bush’s statement during the 1988 election calling us to be “a kinder and gentler nation”? You will not find it in the Republican Party.



