
Key Assistant to Governor Will Resign to Run High-Tech Firm

From a Times Staff Writer

Vincent H. Hall, one of two chief assistants to Gov. Gray Davis, will resign in the next few days to head a start-up high-tech firm that will offer online products to government agencies, sources said Wednesday.

As staff director for Davis for the past 10 months, Hall shared chief of staff responsibilities with Lynn Schenk, whose title is chief aide and senior counselor to the governor. It is uncertain whether the governor will continue with two equal top assistants, a source said.

Hall served as Davis’ communications director for two years when Davis was lieutenant governor. He previously worked for U.S. Rep. Bob Filner (D-San Diego).


As Davis’ staff director, Hall has been deeply involved in the effort to ensure that state computer systems function without failure Jan. 1.

Hall will be president of the high-tech company, which will be based in San Diego, the source said. The venture, which has not been announced, will specialize in enabling government entities and citizens to interact through the Internet, making online camping reservations, filing tax returns electronically and conducting other transactions.
