
School Vouchers, Equality for Girls Debated in House

From Associated Press

House conservatives sought support Wednesday for a plan to give poor students $3,500 private school vouchers. Democrats battled to save a program aimed at ensuring equality for girls in America’s classrooms.

The developments came as the House debated the renewal of an $8.3-billion federal education bill that governs programs for nearly 11 million of the nation’s impoverished and failing students.

Congress is considering modest changes to Title I, the 34-year-old law designed to raise the historically low achievement of poor children. After Title I’s last overhaul in 1994, it became a high-standards program, shifting from its remedial focus.


The House ended the first day of debate without passing the entire bill, but voting to retain the girls’ program.

After speeches by several female lawmakers, more than 100 Republicans joined the Democrats in restoring the $3-million program, which provides teachers and others information on ways to encourage girls to participate in science and math classes usually dominated by boys. The program had been eliminated by Republican critics on the House Education and the Workforce Committee who said girls often do better than boys in their studies and therefore don’t need special attention.

“This reaffirms our nation’s commitment to offer girls an equal educational opportunity from the day they start school,” said Rep. David E. Bonior of Michigan, the House’s second-ranking Democrat. “That’s where the difference has to be made.”


The Title I debate, which continues today, will include consideration of a voucher plan by the House’s second-ranking Republican, Dick Armey of Texas. The proposal would provide elementary students in low-performing schools with vouchers of up to $3,500 to help pay for tuition at other schools--public, private or parochial.

“We are shifting the focus off the school and onto the student,” Armey said.

Students in any grade who are victims of a violent criminal act at school also can apply for the vouchers.

Moderate Republicans appeared to offer little support while Democrats said the voucher plan would undercut public schools and violate the separation of church and state.
