
Valassis Acquires Producer of Newspaper Circulars

The Net’s Best LLC, the Irvine-based producer of biweekly color Sunday newspaper circulars for e-commerce companies, has been acquired by Valassis Communications Inc. in Livonia, Mich. Terms of the deal were not announced.

Net’s Best will close its Irvine offices and move its six employees to Valassis’ office in Seal Beach, Net’s Best Chief Executive Bill Weimer. Valassis publishes discount coupons and free-standing inserts.

Weimer, who founded The Net’s Best last year with $1 million in venture money, will become a vice president of sales at Valassis. The Net’s Best circular will continue to be published, although in a larger form, he said.


Valassis, which has annual revenue of about $740 million, recently introduced its own newspaper insert for e-commerce firms. The company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
