
Stings May Represent Hurtful Remarks


Dear Cynthia: I had a dream in which I was walking through a forest, and someone was walking behind me, possibly my sister-in-law.

Then I was stung repeatedly on my arms and legs by a swarm of bees. It was uncomfortable, and I kept pulling out the stingers, but I couldn’t pull them out as fast as I was being stung.

I thought the dream was about trying to overcome adversity, but I don’t know about the symbolism of the bees. Thanks for your help.



Dear Jenifer: This event takes place in a forest, which is symbolic of the unconscious mind. It is a home for the inhabitants it feeds and shelters. It is also associated with balance and the need to provide protection and sustenance.

Bees have several symbolic meanings. They sting, but they also make honey, so they are associated with “balance.” Little in life is all good or all bad. Even the worst things give us an opportunity to learn valuable lessons.

“Stingers” can be stinging, hurtful comments or judgments directed our way. You are deeply affected by these comments, which get under your skin and can’t be removed fast enough.


Arms embrace life, and legs are what we stand on--our foundation and our mobility.

What role does your sister-in-law play in your life? Is she supportive or is she the one often hurting you with her comments?

When criticism is directed our way, we should first consider any truth to it. Ask yourself, does this comment apply to me--is it accurate? If yes, then silently thank the critic for showing you something valuable; next, learn and grow from the new awareness.

If the judgmental comment does not apply to you, then let it go, since it is then more about the speaker than you.


If you are in doubt, ask a trusted friend or family member for his or her thoughts. We need to be open to growth, but exposure to chronically negative people depletes us.

Shield yourself with your own positive thoughts.

Fax your dreams to Cynthia Richmond at (213) 237-0732, or e-mail them to [email protected]. Please include your hometown and a daytime phone number. In Your Dreams appears every Tuesday and should be read for entertainment purposes only.
