
Right Frames Make for Picture-Perfect Displays


If you have ever looked for a picture frame in a department or art supply store, you’ve seen a wide variety, from plain to gaudy.

And if you are like most photographers, you’ve had a hard time choosing a frame to enhance your picture’s presentation. What’s more, you’ve probably seen dozens of different color mats (the cardboard that goes around your picture).

How do you make a decision with so many options? Following are a few suggestions.

* Ask an expert. If you have an important picture you want to display in your home, and if you are new to framing, a framing expert at an art supply or framing store can give you good advice.


Take your picture with you for the best possible results. Properly framed, your picture will look like a work of art. However, with art comes a price; frames from specialty stores usually cost more than they do at discount and department stores.

* Follow a theme. When choosing a frame, choose one that relates somewhat to your picture. For example, if you have a picture of a panda bear, choose a bamboo or wood frame; if you have a picture of an Art Deco hotel, choose a plain silver or black frame.

* Choose colors carefully. The colors of the frame and mat should not only complement your picture, but should fit into the color scheme of your room. All too often photographers pick frames and mats that look great in the store but simply don’t match the colors of a room.


* Think about frame and mat size. A frame should not overpower a picture, and neither should the mat. Years ago, I would have recommended only small mats for small pictures. Today, however, a trend in art galleries is to put a small picture in a large white mat, so there is lots of “free space” around the picture.

* Go digital. Digital frames are becoming popular. Why? Because they add an instant, artistic and individual touch to a picture. Plus, digital framing programs provide many different styles and designs. Best of all, these programs are easy to use.

Several digital photo frame programs are available. They include Auto F-S Corporation’s Photo Graphics Edges, MGI’s PhotoSuite II and Extensis PhotoFrame.


So the next time you want to display a great picture, keep in mind that a great frame can enhance its presentation.
