
Hiker’s Death

My heart goes out to Ranulfo and Carmen Yanez, whose son, Tadeo, was found dead when he apparently took a wrong turn and fell into diabetic coma while hiking in the San Gabriel Mountains (Oct. 7). I thank you for including the unforgettable picture of Lobo being held by Tadeo’s father. I was deeply touched by Tadeo’s husky, Lobo, who reportedly stood by his master’s side waiting and apparently, at one point, trying to revive him.

I’m an avid hiker of the San Gabriel Mountains who never leaves home without my asthma inhaler and, most important, my two lovable and faithful dogs. Thanks for reminding me of how fortunate I am to have great protection and unconditional love.




Having a child of my own who has been insulin-dependent for the past 13 years, my heart cries for the Yanez family and Tadeo. Through my own son I see how difficult it is to be dependent on insulin for survival, while at the same time its use can also bring about critical consequences.


Surprisingly, most of the reports both on TV and in the papers have indicated that it is necessary to have insulin at hand when engaging in strenuous activities. Generally, in these instances, the real threat comes not from a lack of insulin in the body but from a lack of available sugar, which can lead to an unwanted hypoglycemic episode. Every insulin-dependent diabetic should carry some form of carbohydrates, preferably quick absorbing, to prevent hypoglycemia and its potential ensuing consequences.


La Mirada
