
Errant Bullet Kills Shooting Survivor


A 19-year-old man who survived last year’s shooting rampage at an Oregon high school was accidentally shot and killed by his brother while hunting, authorities said Wednesday.

Richard Peek Jr. died instantly Tuesday when his brother Robert’s .30-caliber rifle accidentally discharged as the two were hunting deer in the Cascade foothills near Leaburg, about 100 miles south of Portland, Lane County sheriff’s Sgt. Byron Trapp said.

Robert, 17, and Richard were both in the crowded Thurston High School cafeteria May 21 in Springfield when Kip Kinkel, then a 15-year-old freshman, walked in and opened fire with a rifle.


Richard was struck in the right arm in the school attack, and a second bullet pierced the backpack he was wearing. The attack left two students dead and 24 injured.

Kinkel pleaded guilty last month to four counts of murder, including the slayings of his parents, and 26 counts of attempted murder.

Trapp said the Sheriff’s Department had concluded Richard’s death was a “tragic accident” and no charges will be filed against his brother.
