
2 Held in Alleged Plot to Bilk Elderly


The young women at his doorstep were smooth-talking, flirtatious and seemed desperate for help.

Edward Rebis, 85, believed the story they told of a sick friend who needed money for surgery. He made the mistake of letting them into his Sun Valley home.

The women eventually talked Rebis into paying for shopping sprees and coaxed out $2,000 in cash. One of them even proposed to marry him. Rebis, who lives alone, finally grew suspicious and notified police Monday.


By coming forward, Rebis, a retired painter and contractor, may have helped bust what police believe to be a ring of female con artists who prey on the elderly, especially elderly men, in the Los Angeles and Sacramento areas.

On Tuesday, police arrested Patty Adams, 24, and a 12-year-old girl, both of Long Beach. Police are searching for two more suspects.

Adams and the 12-year-old, whose name was withheld because of her age, have been booked on suspicion of grand theft by false pretenses, said Det. Jack Blanchard of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Foothill Division. Adams is scheduled to be arraigned today in San Fernando Municipal Court.


The 12-year-old allegedly told police that she and the three other suspects were part of a group of seven Serbian gypsies. Police said they suspect the ring may be responsible for other cases targeting the elderly in Los Angeles and Sacramento.

What allegedly happened to Rebis last weekend is a cautionary tale for the elderly and softhearted, authorities said.

At Macy’s in Burbank, the three adult suspects “brought to the cash register six or seven thousand dollars’ worth of clothes,” Blanchard said. Using Rebis’ credit card, two of the women tried to open up their own credit lines. Suspecting something was amiss, Macy’s employees called the police and asked Rebis and the women to leave.


On Monday, Adams allegedly introduced Rebis to the 12-year-old, who allegedly posed as a real estate agent. The girl, who police said looks much older, offered to sell Rebis a house in Sherman Oaks for $100,000.

Rebis agreed, gave them $2,000 in cash and then bought them about $2,300 worth of gold coins in another shopping spree. The 12-year-old told authorities she did most of the talking because she was “in training,” police said.

Adams also proposed marriage.

“She was pretty and had a good figure,” Rebis said in an interview Wednesday. “I was gonna take her to Las Vegas and get married.”

Police arrested Adams and the girl Tuesday when they returned to Rebis’ home, allegedly to collect more money.

Police warned others not to be too trusting of tales of distress, or offers that sound too good to be true.

“Elderly people are particularly vulnerable to this type of scam,” said LAPD Lt. Rick Papke. “They’re more willing to believe what they’re being told is true.”


One of the female suspects being sought is about 27 years old, 5-foot-3 and 130 pounds, with black hair and green eyes. The other is about 25 years old, 5-foot-5 and 135 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes, Papke said.

Police are asking anyone with information about the women to call (818) 834-3115 during the day or (818) 756-8861 in the evening.

“I’m hoping this information will allow more victims to come forward,” said LAPD Det. Charles Uribe.
