
Reacting to Preschool Deaths

* Regarding the man who rammed his car into a Costa Mesa playground and killed two preschoolers on May 3:

We ask ourselves how can something like this happen. It can’t happen, it should not happen, but it did.

There are no reasons to even begin to justify this malicious, murderous act against a group of innocent young preschoolers.


Steven Allen Abrams decided to take his car, basically at this point a 3,000-pound missile, and accelerate it into a preschool with the intent of killing small children.

Abrams’ daughter states that he was upset because of a traffic accident that it appears Abrams caused on the freeway prior to this deliberate act of violence.

I’m sorry. That doesn’t cut it. She thinks her father reacted badly to the traffic accident. She said, “I believe it wasn’t my dad that did it. I believe he wasn’t mentally sane when he did it.”


Our society cannot continue to prosper with individuals like Steven Allen Abrams being part of it.

I’m sure some lawyer will represent this coward and probably plead not guilty by reason of insanity. If this happens then we, as a society, must take a serious look at ourselves and the law that would allow something like this to happen.



* It didn’t take long for someone to propose the ridiculous idea that, because a deranged person used his car as an instrument of death, banning automobiles would be the same as banning guns (Letters, May 7).


Sorry, but it’s the letter writer’s logic that is twisted. Automobiles were designed for the express purpose of transporting people. And for what reason did we create guns?


Santa Ana
