

Despite objections from Councilmen Randal J. Bressette and R. Craig Scott, the City Council agreed Tuesday to allow Laguna Woods a special new-city discount to join the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority, the anti-airport group. Bressette said allowing Laguna Woods to join for $150,000 would set a precedence inviting all new cities to join for such a discounted rate.

Scott said Laguna Woods may not be able to pay the estimated $400,000 fee that will be required of it for each subsequent year. But Councilman L. Allan Songstad Jr., vice chair of the group, said that now is the time for the city to join. “This is a moving train, and it’s now moving quicker and quicker down the track,” he said. “I think there’s a reason they need to join in this next fiscal year.”

Also on Tuesday, the Irvine City Council voted unanimously to accept the city into the group. The remaining five of the seven member cities will vote soon on Laguna Woods’ membership.
