
West Watch Finally Ends at Forum

Jerry West emerged from a long media silence in an interview with NBC on Sunday, saying, in part, that he does not feel he abandoned the Lakers amid these controversial times by taking such a low profile of late.

“I would say absolutely not,” West said in the interview. “[To the] contrary, I’ve always been here.

“Sometimes in your life . . . it’s hard for me to watch games. I’m an emotional guy. It’s easier for me to watch games on TV than in the arena.”


Before Sunday, the Laker executive vice president, who returned to his upper-level perch for the Game 1 playoff game, had refused most interview requests and had not been seen watching a Laker game since late February.

How much longer does he foresee himself running the Lakers?

“Not much,” West said, repeating the phrase two more times for emphasis. “I think you get to a point in your life where if your life revolves around coming to the office one day when you win. Everyone [saying], ‘Boy, what a smart guy you are.’

“And if you lose, ‘What a dumb guy you are.’ I’m none of those, OK? I’m me. I’m no smarter than anyone else and I’m no dumber than anyone else. I probably care a hell of a lot more than most people about this sport and particularly about the Lakers. That’s my biggest problem.”


West did have a bit of a retort for Phil Jackson, who is a potential candidate for the Laker coaching situation but recently said that Dennis Rodman didn’t work out with the Lakers because the team did not support him.

“Phil’s entitled to his own opinion,” West said.

Will Kurt Rambis be made the permanent coach?

“I think he’s done a great job under very trying circumstances,” West said. “I don’t own this team. All I do is try to give advice to our owner. We’ll discuss what he chooses to do.

“We’ve got a lot of pressure, [with people saying] you guys need a high-profile coach. There’s not many of those guys out there. Most of them have signed a contract. And Phil Jackson, he doesn’t think we do things well around here.”
