

Your photos of Columbine students consoling each other in the wake of the senseless slaughter at their high school brought me to tears. The May 5 photo of two 5-year-old boys consoling each other in the aftermath of the senseless slaughter at their preschool brought me to my knees.

I have a 2-year-old son. Will someone please tell me how to protect him from this insane world?


Signal Hill


I have seen and heard a lot during my life which would definitely come under the heading of heartbreaking, yet the photo of those two 5-year-olds comforting each other just broke my heart. It was such a tender and touching picture that it is almost hard to believe it is tied to such a monstrous act.


I just hope that photo does not exemplify a forgotten time; back when we had at least compassion for the children. Just the thought of having to see another picture such as that one and know that it is tied to the death of innocent children is just too much for my spirit. My God help us all.




My heart goes out to the two young boys in Costa Mesa. When I was 6 my best friend was struck by a car minutes after I left his house. The guilt and sadness at such a young age were overwhelming. Fortunately my parents took me through the grieving steps. We talked. We cried. We held hands and prayed. We told stories. And, yes, I went to the funeral. And although it was during the summer, our mutual first-grade teacher came along with my family.

Now I’m 33 and have experienced death on many levels. It truly made me a stronger person and many people I know come to me when they know someone who has died. I can really be there for people. So, the point was to tell those two boys that with the help of the families, classmates and God, they will be not only OK but stronger because of it.



West Hollywood
