
New Task Force to Examine Dismantling of Matilija Dam


Saying it would bring wide, sandy beaches to much of Ventura County and would protect threatened fish, dozens of environmentalists, scientists and officials from federal, state and local agencies met Monday to hash out a proposal to dismantle Matilija Dam.

After hearing from a panel of experts, the 60 participants agreed to name a task force to answer several critical questions. Chief among them is: Who would pay for such a massive and costly project?

While early estimates have been as high as $82 million, the true cost is not known and would depend on the process chosen to bring the dam down, panel members said.


What seems sure at this point, said Supervisor John K. Flynn and other panel members, is that the dam will not be torn down unless Ventura County is able to tap heavily into state and federal dollars.

Even if money is found, it would take 10 to 15 years to conduct the required studies and to obtain the necessary permits before a single chunk of concrete is removed, panelists said.

“Removing a dam is at least as complicated and probably more expensive than building one,” said Flynn, who organized the talk at the County Government Center in Ventura.


The three-hour discussion was called to share information on the dam’s history and problems associated with it. Round-table members also identified issues that must be tackled before any work could begin, such as commissioning engineering and environmental studies.

Participants agreed that the dam should be retired because it has outlived its usefulness.

Matilija Dam was built in 1948 to prevent floods and to store water for farmers and residents in the Ojai Valley.
