
Exhibit Entries Sought for Valley Fair and Rodeo

The Martha Stewarts and Thomas Edisons of the future are encouraged to submit their sweetest jams, biggest tomatoes and most innovative science projects to the exhibit competition at the 53rd annual Valley Fair and Rodeo.

The deadline for exhibit entries is May 21. The fair will be held June 10-13 at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center.

The home arts category is divided into a senior group (ages 19 and over) and a junior group (ages 5 to 18) and includes awards for best handcrafts, costume making, painting, photography, jams, breads, cakes and gift baskets.


The industrial and technology education competition includes awards for drafting, electronics and graphic arts. The category is open to students in sixth grade and above.

There also will be contests for the best nuts and seeds, vine crops and citrus fruits.

The fair is accepting entries for best small livestock, large livestock and market livestock. A new division under small livestock will give children under 10 a chance to show off their guinea pigs, dogs, cats, goats, rabbits, mice and rats.

For information on exhibit competitions or to request entry forms, call the fair office at (818) 557-1600.
