
Video View

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This chart tracks video sales--alternating weekly between an overall view of the market and profiles of individual segments. Sales data include mass merchandisers and retailers but not most discount outlets.

Theatrical Video Vendors

Year-to-date share of the theatrical video sales market through March 21 and current top-selling theatrical videos:

Company: Disney

Share: 25.5%

Current best-selling video: 101 Dalmatians (animated)


Company: Warner Home Video*

Share: 18.3

Current best-selling video: City of Angels


Company: New Line

Share: 5.6

Current best-selling video: Austin Powers


Company: Universal Home Video

Share: 13.8

Current best-selling video: Antz


Company: Columbia

Share: 9.4

Current best-selling video: As Good as it Gets


Company: Fox

Share: 9.1

Current best-selling video: Ever After--Cinderella Story


Company: Paramount Home Video

Share: 7.2

Current best-selling video: Face/Off


Company: MGM (dist. by Warner)

Share: 6.6

Current best-selling video: Gone With The Wind


Company: Artisan**

Share: 2.9

Current best-selling video: Basic Instinct


Company: Anchor Bay

Share: 1.8

Current best-selling video: Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn

Market Leaders March 15-21:

Top video vendors, in percentage of sales in all categories:

Disney: 17.6%

Warner Home Video*: 16.5%

Fox: 9.7%

Universal Home Video: 8.5%

Paramount Home Video: 7.3%

Columbia: 6.3%

MGM: 4.1%

* Includes MGM, HBO, Tuner, New Line and Warner Vision

Source: VideoScan
