
Court Battle Over Dog on Motorcycle Postponed

Jeremiah Gerbracht’s court fight to ride with his dog on his motorcycle was postponed for six weeks Monday in West Los Angeles Municipal Court.

Gerbracht of Woodland Hills was charged with violating a municipal code section that prohibits transporting animals unsafely.

His attorneys said they would appeal the judge’s denial of their effort to dismiss the charges against him. The case is scheduled to go back to court May 11.


Gerbracht, 58, remained defiant: “I’ll keep riding, because I’m not convicted yet.”

He has been cited five times for allegedly violating state vehicle codes that prohibit unsafe loads, or passengers riding on something not designed for them. Judges threw out the cases after determining the codes do not refer to animals or apply to Gerbracht.

Gerbracht’s defense to the current charge is that he has a hearing impairment and that Lady Harley is his service dog.
