
Thanks to Feng Shui, Restaurant’s Hot

I’m writing to tell you how much I enjoyed the new feng shui column and how pleased I am that this ancient art is finally receiving recognition.

I am the owner of Crustacean restaurant in Beverly Hills, and the exterior and interior, along with the decor, adhere to the strictest principles of feng shui.

My family used our feng shui consultant, with whom we have worked for many years, to help reconfigure and redesign the building so the restaurant would be what I call “negative Ch’i proof.”


The past two restaurants on the site of my restaurant were not successful. My family and I are sure the feng shui is the foundation of our success.


Beverly Hills

I read your first feng shui column with great interest, and I look forward to reading it on Sundays to come.

I also really enjoyed Kirsten Lagatree’s “Feng Shui: Arranging Your Home to Change Your Life.” Of the many books I’ve looked through on feng shui, it is by far the most accessible, educational and, most important, fun to read. I’ve recommended it to many friends and relatives.


Having said all that, I have a complaint regarding your pronunciation of feng. You inform your readers that it’s pronounced “fung” but, actually it is “fohng” (long O).


Via e-mail
