
Gurza’s Divisive Diatribe on Prop. 227

In his divisive diatribe against all things American, Agustin Gurza once again slams the voters of California, this time for their support of Proposition 227 (column, March 9).

Despite the initiative’s backing from such prominent Hispanics as Rosemarie Avila and Jaime Escalante, Gurza, like so many militant activists, continues to deliberately misrepresent it as an attempt to “eradicate Latino culture and language from the state’s institutions.”

That the state has no business preserving the culture of any group should not even be an issue: That is the domain of churches, organizations and the home.


As for his concern over children in English-immersion classes, where was it when students came out of bilingual programs demoralized, victims of a wrong-headed policy that purported to make them proficient in English by teaching in Spanish?

I have a suggestion for Gurza: The very next time he wants to question the motive of someone claiming “it’s for the children,” he should look in the mirror.


Costa Mesa
