
Resident Sought to Serve on LAFCO

The Ventura County Local Agency Formation Commission is seeking a resident to serve a two-year term as an alternate public member.

The seven-member countywide voting board, created by the state, is composed of two Ventura County supervisors plus an alternate; two city council members and an alternate; two representatives of special districts and an alternate, and a citizen member and an alternate.

The alternate public member usually serves two years before being appointed to a two-year term as a public member of the voting board. The alternate public member’s position will expire May 1, 2000, and the voting board post will end May 6, 2002.


The commission meets at 9 a.m. at the Ventura County Government Center in Ventura on the third Wednesday of each month. Occasionally, special meetings occur.

Any interested individual would be required to file a financial disclosure statement with the Fair Political Practices Commission.

Those interested may send a letter and resume to Arnold Dowdy, the commission’s executive officer, at 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura 93309 or call 654-2576.


LAFCO must receive cover letters and resumes no later than 5 p.m. April 23. They may also be faxed to (805) 654-5106.
