
Breakfast at Church Will Honor Police, Firefighters

A local church will hold its third annual appreciation breakfast today to recognize the work of police officers and firefighters.

About 100 officers and firefighters in the North Hollywood area are expected to join area residents at the breakfast sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

“We get to say thank you, and it’s an excellent way for children to meet officers in a positive environment,” said Robert C. Litwack, an assistant pastor who helped organize the event.


This is the first year firefighters will be attending, he said.

Firetrucks, police patrol cars and equestrian units will be on display.

The church began holding the breakfast three years ago after the North Hollywood bank shootout. A member of the congregation approached Litwack about organizing an appreciation effort.

“Now it’s become a tradition,” said Litwack, who expects about 300 community and church members to attend. “We’ve had a great experience the past few years.”

Today’s breakfast will be held from 8 to 11 a.m. at the church, 11830 Saticoy St., North Hollywood.
