
Store Owner Shot in Home Invasion Robbery

Police were seeking three assailants late Friday after a longtime resident was shot during a robbery at his home.

The attack occurred about 6:30 p.m. in the 5200 block of Louise Avenue, a quiet neighborhood of older estate homes. The 62-year-old victim, who was not immediately identified, was reported in good condition late Friday, said Los Angeles Police spokesman Don Cox.

Police said three robbers wearing ski masks confronted the resident when he arrived home, robbing him of an undisclosed amount of cash. A struggle ensued, and a robber fired a shot, with the bullet going through the victim’s hand and striking him in the face, Cox said.


The robbers dragged the man inside and ransacked the house, police said. They fled in a blue compact car.

Neighbors said the man and his wife are longtime owners of a popular pet supply store in Tarzana. Police said the woman was not injured.

One resident said the victim pounded on the door screaming for someone to call police.

“He was banging on the door. We didn’t recognize him, he sounded like a young man,” the neighbor said. “You can just imagine what we felt. We called the police.”
