
S.F. Beggars May Get Credit-Card System


Under a proposal before Mayor Willie Brown, panhandlers may soon be equipped with credit card-type machines that could “swipe” donations from Visa, American Express or bank ATM cards.

The plan, dubbed the Benevolending Box Program, envisions a public-private partnership to raise money for homeless shelters as well as individual panhandlers.

Eighty percent of each contribution made through the credit card “swipe” system would go to community programs for the homeless, with the rest going to the beggar who snagged the donation.


Brown, who has battled rising public anger over homelessness and aggressive panhandling on city streets, said he was “excited about this innovative plan.”

But the city’s top official on homelessness was less enthusiastic. “We’re supportive with conditions,” said Terry Hill, San Francisco’s coordinator for homeless issues. “We don’t want to endorse any program that pushes panhandling.”

Paul Boden of the Coalition on Homelessness was dismissive of the idea. “‘I think there’s a couple of levels where it’s bizarre,” he said.
