
First Lady, in Egypt, Says Senate Run Still Up in Air

<i> Associated Press</i>

In a most unlikely place to talk American politics--an Egyptian health clinic--Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday acknowledged an interest in running for the U.S. Senate.

The first lady said she has been making “lots of calls” on the subject over the past month but hasn’t made a decision. The only thing she is certain of, Clinton added, is that she wants to keep a public role after she and her husband leave the White House.

Monday was the second day of the first lady’s 12-day tour of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.

Clinton told reporters that whatever happens in her political future, “I do know that I want to continue speaking out on behalf of the issues that I’ve spent more than 25 years working on. Any way I can continue to do that, I intend to. But the form that will take I really can’t predict at this time.”


The news conference Monday was her most expansive discussion of running for office. Clinton took six questions.
