
Registration Is Open for Times Conference

Registration now is open for The Times’ third annual Investment Strategies Conference, which will take place the weekend of May 22-23 at Los Angeles Convention Center.

Attendees can choose from among 35 panel discussions, covering such topics as technology stock investing, evaluating a mutual fund portfolio, financial strategies for people in retirement, and investing for twentysomethings.

Each day, 21 panels will be offered, with seven in each of three segments.

In addition, the conference will feature keynote speeches by Andy Grove, chairman and co-founder of computer chip leader Intel Corp., and Arthur Levitt, chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


Besides the tech-stock panels, other stock-related panels will include: “Trading Stocks--Technical Analysis and Other Tools”; “Growth Stocks for the New Decade”; “IPO Investing”; and “Picking Blue-Chip Stocks.”

Panelists will include well-known mutual fund managers, independent financial advisors, Times business writers and analysts from mutual-fund tracker Morningstar Inc.

Cost to attend: $45 for one day or $55 for both.

For more information or to register, call (800) 350-3211 or visit The Times’ Web site at:
