
Resource Guild

Los Angeles Urban League

Seeks to secure social and economic opportunities for African Americans and other minorities through a variety of programs, including counseling, training, placement and community development.


* Employment Services Department assists job-ready applicants who are professional, skilled or semi-skilled and seeking employment or a career change. Applicants are served through counseling, workshops and a job bank.

* Ron Brown Information Technology Center offers courses in computer programming, computer operations and automated office procedures.


* Pomona Valley TEC conducts specialized vocational training in electronics, machine-tool technology, word processing and data entry. Displaced workers program.

* Milken Family Literacy & Youth Training Center provides instruction in reading, writing, math and problem solving to assist youth and their families in developing skills to compete for employment.

* Pasadena-Foothill branch offers career counseling and job placement.

* Automotive Training Center

* Ron Brown Business Development Center

* Independent living program

* HeadStart state pre-school

Cost: Free

Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Headquarters address: 3450 Mount Vernon Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90008; call for addresses of other locations


Web site:

Telephone: (323) 299-9660

LA Works

Career center providing job training and placement services.


* Orientation and assessment to qualify for JTPA assistance

* Career counseling

* Vocational training

* Job club

* Job placement

* Small business start-up programs

* Human resources and consulting services to businesses

* Community services ranging from home improvement and energy conservation to transportation for the elderly and physically disabled

* Online information centers

* Access to telephones, faxes, copiers and computers

Eligibility: Some programs have eligibility requirements.

Cost: Free to applicants who qualify for JTPA assistance; nominal fees for others

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Address: 5200 Irwindale Ave., Irwindale, CA 91706

Web site:

Telephone: (626) 960-3964

Mexican American Opportunity Foundation Services:

* Job listings

* Computer training

* Work experience for preschool teachers’ aides

* Basic skills training in reading comprehension and math

* School-to-Career program prepares youths (both in school and out) for the job market and offers vocational training customized to employers needs

* Child care, (213) 890-9616

* ESL citizenship and literacy classes

Cost: Free

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Address: 401 N. Garfield Ave., Montebello, CA 90640

Telephone: (213) 890-9600

National Board for Certified Counselors

National certification organization making consumer referrals to nationally certified career counselors.


Service: Provides a list of certified counselors by state

Cost: Referrals are free

Address: 3 Terrace Way, Suite D, Greensboro, NC 27403

Hours: 5:30 a.m.-2 p.m. (California time), Mon.-Fri.

Telephone: (336) 547-0607; fax (336) 547-0017 (to request a list of nationally certified career counselors in your area)

Web site:

Application for certification: (800) 398-5389

One-Stop Job and Career Centers

(Ventura County)

Offers training to adults who are long-term unemployed (14 weeks or more), laid-off, economically disadvantaged; older workers (55 years and older); and summer and year-round youth programs. Also assists in finding employment after completion of training.

Services to job seekers:

* Aptitude, basic skills and interest-inventory testing

* Referrals to vocational classroom training

* Job development

* Job-readiness and job-search workshops

* Basic reading and math skills

* Job placement and retention services

* Full-service employment resource center

* Supportive services, including child care

Services to employers:

* Matches job applicants with employers’ needs

* Offers facilities to employers, including fax machines, copiers, conference room, resource library, computers with business related software

* Rapid response team assists employers facing plant closures

* Minority Business Development Center

* Human resource and personnel services (some services offered on a fee-for-service basis)

* Individual assistance

Costs: Free to those who qualify


* Oxnard One-Stop, 635 S. Ventura Road, Oxnard, CA 93030, (805) 382-6500

* Simi Valley One-Stop, 980 Enchanted Way, Suite 105, Simi Valley, CA 93065, (805) 579-1732

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Orange County One-Stop Career Centers

Offers training to adults who are long-term unemployed (14 weeks or more), laid off, economically disadvantaged; older workers (55 years and older); out-of-school youths (18-22 years old). Also assists in finding employment after completion of training.


* Aptitude, basic skills and interest-inventory testing

* Referrals to vocational classroom training

* Job development

* Job readiness workshops

* Basic reading and math skills

* Job placement and retention services

Costs: Free to qualified applicants


* Anaheim: 50 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite 300, Anaheim, CA 92805, (714) 254-4350

* Coastal: 2627 Vista Del Oro, Newport Beach, CA 92660, (949) 718-1200

* County: 1300 S. Grand Ave., Building B, Third Floor, Santa Ana, CA 92705, (714) 567-7542

* West Orange County Regional One-Stop: 11277 Garden Grove Blvd., Suite 101C, Garden Grove, CA 92840, (714) 741-5020


* North Orange County Regional One-Stop: 1811 W. La Habra Blvd., La Habra, CA 90631, (562) 905-7076

* South Orange County Regional One-Stop: 23456 Madero St., Suite 150, Mission Viejo, CA 92691, (949) 588-3906

* Santa Ana: 1000 E. Santa Ana Blvd., Suite 200, Santa Ana, CA 92701, (714) 565-2600

Hours: Hours and days vary depending on location.

Pasadena Senior Center

Employment services program for people 50 and older.


* Job search assistance and referrals

* Workshops

* Assistance in defining employment objectives and goals

* Reference materials

* Federal program offering job placement for low- and no-income people 55 and older open to qualified applicants

* Center for successful retirement

Cost: Employment services are free

Hours: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Address: 85 E. Holly St., Pasadena, CA 91103

Telephone: (626) 795-4331. Call for appointment before first visit.

Portals Mental Health Rehabilitation Services

Employment services and vocational training for adults with psychiatric disabilities.


* Job training and placement

* Resume writing and interview skills training

* Job coaching, follow-up services and vocational pre-employment training.


* Mariposa Clubhouse, 269 S. Mariposa Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90004, (213) 381-8400

* Community Connections Clubhouse, 3881 S. Western Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90062, (213) 299-7525

Private Industry Councils Job Training Programs

The Job Training Partnership Act of 1982 provides federal funding for locally managed employment and training programs. Private Industry Councils within 52 service areas in California plan job training and employment programs to meet the needs of their local labor markets.


* Educational, vocational and on-the-job training

* Job-search skills and placement

* Dislocated workers program

* Older workers program (55 and older)

* Youth training programs

Eligibility: Applicants may qualify for one or more reasons, including layoff, long-term unemployment or income below poverty levels.


Benefits to employers: Pre-screened and trained applicants andinitial wage reimbursement (for on-the-job training)

Cost: For qualified applicants, training and placement services are free. Services provided to employers are also free.


* Verdugo Private Industry Council, 141 N. Glendale Ave., Glendale, CA 91206-4996, (818) 548-2053

* San Bernardino City Employment and Training Agency, 599 N. Arrowhead Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92401-1201, (909) 888-7881

* Foothill Private Industry Council, 234 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 205, Pasadena, CA 91101, (626) 405-4219

* Long Beach City Economic Develpment Bureau, 200 Pine Ave., Suite 400, Long Beach, CA 90802, (562) 570-3811


* City of Anaheim Job Training Division, 201 S. Anaheim Blvd., No. 1003, Anaheim, CA 92805, (714) 254-4342

* South Bay Consortium Job Training & Development Department, 1 Manchester Blvd., Fourth Floor, Inglewood, CA 90301, (310) 412-5558

* Riverside County Private Industry Council, 1151 Spruce St., Riverside, CA 92507, (909) 275-3133

* Ventura County Private Industry Council, County of Ventura WDD, 505 Poli St., Ventura, CA 93001, (805) 648-9521

* Southeast Los Angeles Consortium, 10900 E. 183rd St., Suite 350, Cerritos, CA 90701, (562) 402-9336

* San Bernardino County Jobs & Employment Services Department, 851 S. Mount Vernon Ave., Suite 22, Colton, CA 92324, (909) 422-0488


* Orange County Private Industry Council, 1300 S. Grand, Building B, Santa Ana, CA 92705, (714) 567-7370

* Carson/Lomita/Torrance Private Industry Council, One Civic Plaza, No. 500, Carson, CA 90745, (310) 518-8100

* Los Angeles City Youth and Employment Services Division, 215 W. 6th St., 10th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90014, (213)485-5019

* Los County Department of Community & Senior Services, 3175 W. 6th St., Los Angeles, CA 90020, (213) 738-2611

* San Diego Workforce Partnership, Inc., 1551 4th Ave., Suite 600, San Diego, CA 92101, (619) 238-1445

* Santa Ana City Division of Employment Services, 1000 E. Santa Ana Blvd., Room 200, Santa Ana, CA 92701, (714) 565-2600


Telephone: (800) FOR-A-JOB (Los Angeles area only)

Santa Monica Jobs Assistance Programs:

* Santa Monica Youth Employment offers subsidized employment training and work experience for disadvantaged youths 14 to 21 years old. (310) 829-5451

* Santa Monica High School Regional Occupation Program offers high school students and adults job-skills training, placement and career assessment. (310) 395-3204 Ext. 457

* Santa Monica Board of Education Workability Program for high school students with special needs. (310) 450-8338

* Virginia Avenue Park Jobs Program offers employment workshops and job counseling for youths and adults. (310) 458-8688

* Chrysalis Santa Monica assists homeless or low-income people (in Santa Monica only) to prepare for and find jobs. (310) 392-4117

Cost: Free


The Service Corps of Retired Executives is a nonprofit organization sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Volunteers share their business experience with people who plan to go into business and those already in business who need advice.



* Counseling in areas such as business planning, advertising, accounting, inventory control, cash and credit management, marketing, financial and licensing requirements

* Several all-day workshops on such topics as starting and operating a new business, getting financing and advertising for your business

* Monthly seminars on various topics

* Monthly calendar of workshops and seminars mailed upon request

Cost: One-on-one counseling is free; seminars and workshops, $20. Success Club program entitles participants to unlimited access to seminars and workshops for a period of one year.

Call for locations of counseling centers in Southern California:

* Los Angeles County: (818) 552-3206

* Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside counties: (714) 550-7369

* San Diego and Imperial counties: (619) 557-7272

Second Careers

A nonprofit project of the Volunteer Center of Los Angeles serving mostly people 40 and older.


* Permanent and temporary job placement (primarily office-related opportunities, including clerical, secretarial, word processing, customer service, telemarketing and accounting)

* Resource Center including library, faxes, phones, job postings

* Computer tutorials for software

Cost: Free to job seekers; modest fees for employers

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Address: 3530 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1350, Los Angeles, CA 90010

Telephone: (213) 380-3166 for appointment

Southern California Indian Center

Nonprofit organization serving the American Indian community of Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside counties. As a Job Training Partnership Act agency, it provides employment assistance and vocational training to American Indians, native Alaskans and native Hawaiians who are unemployed, underemployed or economically disadvantaged.



* Yearly job fairs

*Career development

* Pre-employment training

* Resume and job application preparation

* Job search techniques

* Job listings and referrals

* Classroom vocational training

* On-the-job training

Cost: Free

Hours: 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Locations: Garden Grove, Commerce, Los Angeles and Riverside; satellite location in El Monte


* Los Angeles County: (213) 387-5772

* Orange County: (714) 663-1102

* Riverside: (909) 682-8684

Southern California Regional Occupational Center

SCROC offers programs that support the transition from school to career and continuing education. Programs also provide opportunities to receive advanced career training or to upgrade technical job skills.


* Classroom instruction in 70 different classes in six career clusters: agricultural; arts, media; business; consumer and family services; health sciences; industrial and technology

* Some classes offer career-related internships in local business and industry.

* Self-service job listings board

* Counseling available to high-school and adult students

* Career information

* Career interest and aptitude assessments

* Certificates of proficiency and achievement may be earned

Eligibility: Open to adults and junior and senior high-school students who are at least 16 years of age. High-school students must attend school in one of the following school districts: Centinela Valley, El Segundo, Inglewood, Manhattan Beach, Palos Verdes, Redondo Beach and Torrance.

Cost: Classes are free to high-school students; adults pay a minimum fee.

Hours: 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Mon. and Wed., 7 a.m.-10 p.m., Tue. and Thur.; 7 a.m.-5 p.m., Fri.; 7 a.m.-1 p.m., Sat.

Address: 2300 Crenshaw Blvd., Torrance, CA 90501

Telephone: (310) 224-4200

Spotlight on Jobs

Offers unemployed professionals an opportunity for information technology job training and placement assistance.



* Intensive eleven-week training curriculum

* Business communications and customer service skills

* Latest PC applications training

* Job search techniques

* Placement assistance by PDQ Personnel, Inc.

* Training in motivation, positive mental attitude and self-esteem

* Individual counseling

* Post-training certification

Costs: Free to employers and job seekers

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Telephone: (213) 368-1468

TTI Career Training Center

National organization dedicated to meeting the needs of dislocated workers and the economically disadvantaged.


* Re-employment workshops

* Motivational seminars

* Career counseling

* Vocational assessment

* Money-management courses

* Computerized learning lab

* Job placement

* Resume preparation

* Referrals to classroom training

Cost: No charge to qualified applicants

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.


* 14546 Hamlin St., Van Nuys, CA 91401, (818) 781-2522

* 21515 Vanowen St., #116, Canoga Park, CA 91303, (818) 884-2522

UAW-Labor Employment Training Corp.

A private, nonprofit corporation that provides human resource services to employers, employees and others.


* Job search and placement

* Classroom training in basic skills and office automation/word processing

* On-the-job training

* Human resource management, development and support

* Customized training

Cost: Free to eligible employers, employees and other applicants

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Address: 790 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90806 (corporate office), 12 field offices in Southern California

Telephone: (562) 989-7700

UCI Extension Women’s Opportunities Center

Career development center. Open to men and women in the community.


* One-on-one career counseling

* Workshops

* Resume counseling

* Weekly job-search support groups run by Orange County executives

* Career-education resource library

* Job listings

* Discounts to specified UCI Extension courses

* Career and vocational aptitude testing

* Job search Internet access

Cost: $75 annual membership fee; additional fees for workshops and career/vocational aptitude testing.

Hours: 9 a.m.-7 p.m., Mon.-Thur.; 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Fri.; 9 a.m.-noon, Sat.

Address: The center is at the UCI Extension complex on the UC Irvine campus.

Web site:

Telephone: (949) 824-7128

UCLA Extension

UCLA Extension offers more than 80 certificated programs to help job seekers become more marketable.

Topics include:

* Business and management

* Computers and information systems

* Entertainment studies

* Graphic design

* Hospitality and food service

* Interior and environmental design

* International business

* Journalism, public relations and fund-raising

* Landscape architecture

* Legal interpretation and translation

* Personal financial planning

* Screenwriting

* Arts

* Education

* Fitness

* Outdoor recreation

* Humanties

* Foreign languages

Offerings in emerging technologies:

* Client-server networks and object-oriented programming

* Computer graphics, emphasizing interactive, multimedia design

* Entertainment studies courses in multimedia and digital technologies

* Writing for interactive media

* Online course

* Writer’s program

Cost: Varies

Address: UCLA Extension, 10995 LeConte Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024

Web site:

Telephone: (800) 554-UCLA (catalog requests); (310) 825-9971 or (818) 784-7006 (for registration)


Venice/Oakwood Jobs Programs


* The Job Bank, a Santa Monica/Venice-based employment service, offering workshops on resume writing and job search techniques, skills training opportunities, monthly bulletin for employers listing jobs for local workers. (310) 822-8687

* St. Joseph Center Restaurant Training Program. Regular classes in food service, with certification and jobs placement assistance. (310) 450-9095

* Venice Community Housing Corp. develops affordable housing and offers construction jobs training program for at-risk youth. 318 Lincoln Blvd., Suite 225, Venice, CA 90291 (310) 399-4100

* Venice Skills Center offers job-training and job-placement assistance. Contact Cynthia Moore at (310) 392-4153, Ext. 108. Fees range from free to $35, plus nominal material fees.

Cost: Free, except where noted
