
McDougal Trial

* Re: “McDougal Has Shielded Clinton, Her Prosecutors Say,” March 11: Maybe, just maybe, Susan McDougal is Princess Lancelot and is just telling the truth. If ever the word “relentless” could be applied, a fellow named Ken Starr would most certainly fit the profile. I am a little bit baffled as to why my hard-earned tax dollars are going to his relentless pursuit of nothing.

Let us go one step further: Let’s assume Starr and all his comrades are correct. Is it really worth the use of the enormous amounts of money he and his staff have and are using to slander an American president? What would the countless children around the world who are starving think to see the role-model country of the “free world” wasting millions of dollars to repeatedly try and sling mud on its leader? What would they say if they knew the money was going to the greedy rather than the needy?

Does Starr know the difference between humanity and justice? What does this man think? The prospects are frightening.



Santa Monica
