
Eminem Domain

With regard to Steve Hochman’s article on KROQ’s airing of Eminem’s “My Name Is” (Pop Eye, March 7), I find myself once again at a crossroad with the radio station I’ve been listening to for the past 15 years.

KROQ used to be an independent and eclectic station whose music clearly stood out among all the other stations. Through the years, KROQ has been gobbled by large and different media conglomerates. Even worse, “alternative” music became mainstream.

In the past few years, we have witnessed with torture KROQ’s vague and shallow efforts in defining their niche, from playing heavy metal bands to Puff Daddy’s “Godzilla” and now Eminem. If I want to listen to Led Zeppelin, I’ll dial up KLOS. If I want to listen to rap or hip-hop, I’ll dial up KPWR.


In KROQ’s effort to broaden its audience, it is alienating the people who took them to where they are today.


Long Beach
