
Measure Introduced to Limit Animal Tests

State Sen. Jack O’Connell (D-San Luis Obispo) wants cosmetics and household cleaner manufacturers to stop testing their products on animals.

O’Connell, whose district includes Ventura, Santa Paula and Ojai, has introduced a bill that outlaws needless animal experimentation.

“Every day, thousands of animals must endure the pain inflicted upon them by cosmetic and household product testing,” he said. “Many animals are blinded and/or crippled so that products, such as mascara, can be ‘safety tested.’ Oftentimes, these injuries end in a long and painful death, with many animals actually breaking their backs in order to escape the stocks in which they are placed for testing.”


Senate Bill 777 would prohibit manufacturers of cosmetics and cleaning products from using two types of tests on live animals in California. The measure does not affect medical research involving animals or tests performed for the purpose of assessing the safety of products, such as pharmaceuticals and pesticides.

O’Connell urges companies to switch to equally effective tests that do not require the use of animals. Several major cosmetics manufacturers are voluntarily using these methods.
