
U.S. China Policy and National Security Examined


“Today”: Kitchen counters; 401(k) plans; John Lithgow; luggage, 5 a.m. KNBC. 717787

“America’s Black Forum”: The black elite, 1 p.m. KCAL. 15706

“America and the Courts”: Memorial ceremony for former Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun, 4 p.m. C-SPAN. 15446

“Larry King Weekend”: Author Maureen Orth, 6 p.m. CNN. 426077

“McLaughlin Group”: Kosovo; China, 6:30 p.m. KNBC. 597


“Today”: Kickboxing; Lynn Redgrave, 6 a.m. KNBC. 12530

“Pacesetters”: Metrolink rail safety; the Skirball Cultural Center, 6 a.m. KTLA. 82801

“CBS News Sunday Morning”: Girls and science; author Dennis Smith; Margaret Edson, 7 a.m. KCBS. 68356

“Meet the Press”: America’s China policy and national security: national security advisor Sandy Berger; Rep. Norman Dicks (D-Wash.); Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.). White House 2000: GOP contender Patrick Buchanan, 7 a.m. KNBC. 48004


“This Week With Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts”: China’s nuclear espionage; Energy Secretary Bill Richardson; Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Calif.), 8 a.m. KABC. 83191

“Face the Nation”: Foreign policy and Chinese espionage: Sen. Robert Kerrey (D-Neb.); Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), 8:30 a.m. KCBS. 47004

“Late Edition,” 9 a.m. CNN. 637820

“Religion & Ethics Newsweekly”: Profile of theologian Tom Beaudoin; religion and taxes; U.S. poet laureate Robert Pinsky, 10 a.m. KCET. 81240


“Earth Matters”: Petrels, 10:30 a.m. CNN. 869066

“Booknotes”: Allen Weinstein, 5 p.m. C-SPAN. 85882

“CNN Newsstand”: Chinese gymnast Sang Lan; Judge Gabrielle Kirk McDonald; Jeff Young discusses Elia Kazan, 7 p.m. CNN. 603337

“60 Minutes”: Joseph Hazelwood, former captain of Exxon Valdez; disabled actors; Northern Ireland, 7 p.m. KCBS. 3733

“Dateline: NBC”: A woman helps care for Anne Frank’s family while in hiding, 7 p.m. KNBC. 3882


“20/20”: Diane Sawyer updates her story on life inside a maximum-security prison for women, 9 p.m. KABC. 56288.
