
Opportunities for Volunteering

Skilled-labor volunteers are needed by the Habitat for Humanity. An electrician, a drywall installer, a plumber and a stucco professional or finish carpenter are needed to help other volunteer workers build eight homes at 191 W. Elmwood Ave., Burbank. People with construction skills are needed to work as crew leaders.

For more information, call (818) 487-9600, Ext. 105.

The Volunteer Center Assistance League of Southern California needs mentors to share hobbies and outdoor activities with emotionally disabled young people at the Erikson Center for Adolescent Advancement at 6305 Woodman Ave., Van Nuys. The center also needs people with accounting skills to serve on the board of directors of a Ventura County group that offers equestrian therapy to children. For information, call Joan Kagan at (818) 908-5128.

Valley Presbyterian Hospital is seeking volunteers to do office duties, errands, work at the information desk and help with patient visiting. Participants must be at least 14 to volunteer at the hospital, at 15107 Vanowen St., Van Nuys. Volunteers may help every day between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Call (818) 902-5704 for more information.
