
City Talks With Cable Firm Improve

Negotiations improved last week between the city and Comcast Cablevision over the company’s rates for cable television.

Comcast presented a new rate plan to the city that would cut the monthly rate for cable roughly in half--but would provide fewer channels to subscribers.

Although city officials aren’t entirely satisfied with the plan, some say the negotiations are heading in the right direction.


“I will say they’re making significant strides to meet the demands that [the council has] laid out, and they’re making a very good-faith effort to work with us,” said City Councilman Glen Becerra.

In January, the council refused to allow Comcast to raise its rates and alleged--sometimes loudly--that Comcast does not provide a basic cable package at an affordable price.

Tonight’s City Council meeting should be more conciliatory. “If we don’t like what we hear and I’m not satisfied, it could heat up again,” Becerra said. “But if they lay out what they presented to me [Thursday], it’ll get a warmer reception from me than it did the last time.”


John Jackson, Comcast’s general manager for Simi Valley, last Thursday proposed a pared-down basic cable package that would cost about $14 a month for 23 channels.

If that plan goes into effect, Comcast customers would be able to choose between the new package and the current basic package of 43 channels for $28.15 a month.
