
Council to Discuss Cable TV Services

The City Council will receive information tonight about whether it should require upgrading of television services when the city renews its contracts with two local cable companies this spring.

The city and Avenue Cable, which serves the west end of town, disagree on whether current services and technology are adequate.

“We have done some research on what they’re asking, and we’ve put numbers to what they’re asking,” said Steve George, an owner of Avenue Cable.


He said subscribers say they don’t want to pay the price of those enhanced services.

“We have a lot of subscribers that are pleased with the service they have now,” George said.

But if the city does not require an upgrade now, it will be 10 years before the city can require changes, said Councilman Sandy Smith.

“I think it would be irresponsible of this council to ignore the long-term needs of cable TV subscribers,” he said.


The Buske Group, a city consultant, has recommended that the systems be upgraded to provide two-way optical fiber connections, which would allow Internet access and other high-speed data transfer.

Avenue Cable already provides Internet access, George noted. The company said its service is more than adequate.

The east side is served by Century Cable.

The council has scheduled its final discussion on the franchise renewals for March 15.
