

High school students from the south of France are looking for families to host them this month. The 27 students are between 14 and 17, said Cathy Beeler of the sponsoring group International Journeys. They will arrive March 28 equipped with insurance and spending money but will need a family to give them room and board until April 8.

The students are coming to improve their English, so speaking French is not a requirement for hosts, Beeler said. The youths can share rooms with other teenagers and even stay with single parents, retirees or others without children at home. International Journeys will be taking them on excursions, so hosts need not be home on weekdays.

To become a host family, call Beeler at (714) 892-5238 or Donna Carper at (909) 898-3928, or e-mail: [email protected]
