
Cox Making Bad Situation Worse

* In true political fashion, Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach) is fanning the fires of a conflagration based on creating fear among our citizens while garnering front-page headlines for himself.

This is a very irresponsible approach in dealing with a problem between China and ourselves. As every international problem is multidimensional, it will take a more thoughtful approach, as cautioned by U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.).

Cox knows, but is silent about, the important fact that the roots of the situation lie in their beginning under Presidents Reagan and Bush, who encouraged and helped build China’s war-making capability in hopes that it would be used against the Soviet Union.


It is also interesting to hear that Cox has “no trouble” in separating economic interchanges from those concerned with military security. Thus, he is advocating “double dealing” with China, having friendly relations in one arena while treating China as an enemy in another.

The Clinton administration’s positive approach, using diplomatic and economic issues to build a relationship, has had many positive results, not the least of which is that China has signed onto the nonproliferation arms agreement.


