
High School’s Tardy Policy

Recently, Van Nuys High (my school) implemented a new policy regarding the tardy bells. If students are late for a class, no matter how close they are to making it on time, they are rounded up like cattle and sent directly to the student cafeteria. There they are given an alternative assignment to do, while they are missing classroom instruction. No excuses. The administrators simply issue the alternative assignment, and the dilatory student gets a truancy recorded for that specific period.

While this may be effective for some students, it is ineffective for the habitually tardy students (whom the administrators seem to be targeting). As it is, many of these students do not place academics as a high priority.

Shouldn’t educators be making every effort to encourage students to attend classes so that they can learn? This new procedure completely defeats the purpose of promoting education because both parties lose out: Administrators create unnecessary work for themselves and students lose another valuable day of class.


How does this tardy policy complement the objective of learning at school? Please explain the logic in this.

JOHN W. LEE, Sophomore, Van Nuys High School
