
Parity in Pay Urged for County Lawyers

Not only do Ventura County prosecutors, public defenders and civil attorneys earn less money than their counterparts throughout Southern California, but there is also disparity among the three types of county-employed lawyers.

According to a Ventura County Grand Jury report, deputy district attorneys and public defenders are paid considerably less than similarly experienced civil attorneys who represent Ventura County in its own legal matters.

In addition to proposing further study of all of the attorneys’ salaries relative to those in other counties, the grand jury recommended greater parity among Ventura County attorneys.


If these steps are not taken, the grand jury cautions, experienced attorneys will continue to leave Ventura County for similar, but better-paying, jobs in other Southern California counties.

“It’s nice to see a neutral and independent body made up of citizens in the community reach a conclusion that conforms with what we’ve been saying for so long,” Assistant Dist. Atty. Greg Totten said Friday.

In the last two years, 26 prosecutors in the 90-lawyer district attorney’s office have left for other jobs. Prosecutors in other Southern California counties can earn from $5,000 to $20,000 more than their Ventura County counterparts.


Within Ventura County’s legal offices, prosecutors and public defenders are paid on a scale that is lower than county counsel--an difference the grand jury called an injustice that “fosters friction” among attorneys. In addition, the county counsel’s office, unlike the other two legal divisions, does not limit the number of attorneys who can be promoted to senior status, which carries a higher salary. The grand jury recommended the immediate removal of that cap in the district attorney’s and public defender’s offices so that those divisions can retain career attorneys.
