
Cutting to the Chase

It should be blatantly obvious to any Fox 11 viewer that “No News Is Good News” after [the recent] debacle by cowboy John Beard and his faithful sidekick, Christine Devine.

Apparently, Fox’s program directors must think that prime-time viewers would rather watch 35 minutes of just “another car chase” than they would like to finish watching the final 10 minutes of the promising “Brimstone” series (a new episode).

To further abandon their audience, the “special report” on the car chase continued unabatedly into the initial 22 minutes of a new episode of Fox’s Friday night staple, “Millennium.”


Hey, up there in the booth: We DON’T CARE about another stupid car chase. It was painfully laughable as John Beard began his viewer interruption with the following lead-in: “If you are anywhere on the 10 Freeway east tonight. . . . “

Yeah, John! I always watch my favorite shows on Friday night as I am driving my car . . . NOT! I would assume that neither were thousands of other viewers trying to catch new episodes of “Brimstone” and “Millennium”!


Garden Grove
