
Energy Exposition Planned March 10

The public is invited to learn about the energy industry at Energy Day ‘99, a daylong event set for March 10 at Seaside Park in Ventura.

Exhibits, tours and workshops will take place from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. A morning session will include a talk on careers in energy by industry professionals. In the afternoon, the presentation will be geared toward engineers and scientists in the energy and environmental disciplines.

The California Coastal chapter of the American Petroleum Institute, which is hosting the event, will award five $1,000 scholarships and six $500 scholarships to local high school students at 7 p.m.


Other evening activities include a social hour, a barbecue and a keynote address by Handel Evans, president of Cal State Channel Islands.

Admission to the educational attractions is free. Tickets for the social hour and barbecue are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Tickets for a table of 10 cost $200.

For more information, call Bob Peterson at 553-0924 or Rod Eson at 966-6596.
