
Event to Help Special Education Graduates

Information on services available to graduating high school students in special education programs will be provided at four workshops in Ventura County and Calabasas.

The sessions will cover programs available to people with disabilities as they move from the public school system to adult life. Workshops will be presented by a parent and a professional team from the Ventura County Special Education Local Plan Area.

All sessions will be held from 6:15 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. The dates and locations are:

* Tuesday, Buena High School, Ventura.

* Wednesday, Santa Paula High School, Santa Paula.

* Thursday, Garden Grove School, Simi Valley.

* April 8, Calabasas High School, Calabasas.

Cost is $5 per family, but scholarships are available. Free child care and Spanish or sign-language interpretation is available if reserved at least 10 days in advance. For more information, call 383-1919.
