

Installing cellular phone antennas was a controversial issue in Newport Beach about a year ago, but the receptors--disguised as palm trees--are sprouting up around Costa Mesa with little notice. Two have been installed so far: one at 2099 Placentia Ave., another at 2299 Harbor Blvd. A third is being proposed for the Motel 6 site at 1441 Gisler Ave.

That’s the one that got resident Don Pierstorff’s attention. Pierstorff said he doesn’t intend to be an alarmist, but he would like the city to make more of an effort to inform the public about the antennas and any health hazards or reception problems they may cause.

Pierstorff received a postcard from the city recently saying Pacific Bell Wireless, an agent for Motel 6/C.J. Segerstrom & Sons, was applying for a minor conditional use permit for a 60-foot-high monopalm to be used for wireless communications. The postcard also said no public hearing would be held.


Antennas taller than 30 feet in commercial zones can be approved by minor conditional use permits, city officials said. The permits don’t have to go through the public hearing process unless appealed by the Planning Commission or City Council. Postcards were sent to property owners within 300 feet of where the Gisler Avenue antenna will be.
